Fastening systems

Cable Ties TY-RAP Thomas & Betts (Steel Lock)

Cable Ties TY-RAP Thomas & Betts (Steel Lock) – High Temperature

Cable Ties TY-RAP Thomas & Betts (Steel Lock) - Identification Plate

Cable Tie Mount Aluminum – TC105

Cable Tie Mount Nylon – TC102 and TC104

Cable Tie Mounts Self Adhesive

Saddle Tie Mounts for Cable Ties

Self Adhesive Mounts for Cables

ABA SAFE Cable Ties

ABA Steel Cable Ties

Spring’s Basters CLECO

Tool for Spring’s Basters

Manual Basters

Clamp’s Basters

Safety Lockwire Goodridge

Caliper for Safety Lockwire

Slide Latch

Locking for Formula's Fairing

Washers Nord Lock

Washers Schnorr

Washers Lukas

Washers Countersunk Stainless Steel

Helicoil (Thread Inserts)

Kit Helicoil Tool

Kit Helicoil Thread Inserts

Thread Inserts (TP – TS – TSF)

Thread Inserts - JACKRIV

Tool for Thread Inserts

Hose Clamp Rubber

Clamps and Ties Steel

Steel Spring Clip - "Omega"

Grommet for Cable

Kit Grommet for Cable

Kit Anti-Vibrating Threaded

Kit Copper’s Washers

Kit Washers

Momec Italia distributes a wide range of specific fixing systems for cars, motorcycles, dodyworks, racing components and, in general, for motorsport. Thomas and Betts TY RAP Cable Ties (with metal teeth) are very high-quality nylon cable ties, resistant to heavy workloads. The main feature is the steel retaining tooth, which allows a very strong grip-tightening, withstanding tensions and loads of up to 60 kg. There are Thomas and Betts TY RAP Cable Ties in High Temperature (200°c / 250°c) or 'Identification Ties' with double, triple or quadruple tags. Different sizes and dimensions of cable tie mounts are available: -Aluminium TC105 -TC 102 and TC 104 nylon pads -Adhesive cable tie mounts -Cable tie bases. ABA steel cable ties and ABA SAFE steel cable ties have a strong hold and are tightened by screwing with a screwdriver. For the temporary fixing of sheets or panels to each other, the "Cleco" spring binder, manual screw binder or clamp binder is used. These types of fastening systems allow laminated parts to be temporarily positioned, which are then assembled with blind rivets. Heli-Coils or threaded inserts are used to restore damaged threads. Available in stainless steel, metric or inch sizes. Easy installation using specific tooling consisting of an inserter and a male thread cutter. A wide range of washers specifically for the racing, motorsport and industrial sectors: Nordlock washers, Schnorr washers, Conelock washers, Lukas washers and Copper washers. In workshops and teams, 'Goodridge' stainless steel wire is used for various applications.